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13, Anglesea Street, D02 PA46, Dublin 2, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 86 817 8213
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Latitude: 53.3453192, Longitude: -6.2618906

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jenny Mangan


    I invited The Make Up Crew into our school to do a couple of workshops for our students. Keira and Lauren were fantastic. I found them friendly, professional and well organised. They ran two excellent workshops: 'Interview Makeup' for our senior students and 'Skincare and Makeup techniques' for our junior students. They also did a talk about career prospects in the make up industry. I'd highly recommend them for large groups or individuals.

  • en

    John Smyth


    Organised with these young lady's to put my daughter through the collage classes. They were very easy to work with and my daughter was delighted with what she has learned. She is off working in New York now with her new skill set. As much as me and her mother miss her her she is off doing what she loves and seeing the world and making a good living. Thank you girls for for helping her and making this great opportunity possible for her.

  • en

    Carmel Garvey


    I trained with the makeup crew and enjoyed every minute,I learned so much. I'm now working in London for Rimmel in a large department store , I am so glad I took the plunge and trained with the makeup crew,thanks so much girls for giving me the opportunity to further my career, your all stars and so, friendly and accomodating. I am definitely not going to stop here,yous have given me so much confidence,the Sky's the limit.

  • Karin Meaney

    Karin Meaney


    I attended one of the makeup crew modules and loved every minute of the experience. All the tutors really nice, friendly and are very easy to talk to. I learnt so much with them, whilst having fun at the same time. I have recently moved to London and I am now working full time with a cosmetic company there. I am very happy with how much I have acheived with my career so far, and it is all thanks to the makeup crew. I would definitely recommend any of their modules you won't regret it. Thanks to all the girls in the make up crew for all your help. 😃

  • Kate Fraser

    Kate Fraser


    I had my makeup and hair done by The Makeup Crew for my wedding last month and was absolutely delighted. I don't usually wear much makeup so I was concerned I wasn't going to like it but they did exactly what I asked and managed to make me look really natural. I got so many compliments on my makeup on the day and have recommended The Makeup Crew to all my friends. They do a trial before the actual occasion as well which is great because you can decide exactly what you want it and perfect your look without any panicking or disasters on the day which is stressful enough! The girls are really lovely too which helps!

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