The Mansion House i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Mansion House


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Dawson Street, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 222 6200
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3406652, Longitude: -6.2576467

kommentar 5

  • en

    Fernanda Bermudez


    Service: fast, but unfriendly. Location: just for dinning terrible - the acoustic of a huge big hall makes it impossible to understand each other. Price: there is a service charge of 10% - the waitress doesn't need to be friendly. Food: posh price, Taste: - the only good thing - all dishes were well prepared. Worst: seating time of two hours.

  • en

    Sarah Kelly


    I've attended several events here,a beautiful location.

  • Dr. Christian Werner

    Dr. Christian Werner


    The Round Room - a spectacular spacious event location on the left hand side of the mansion house. In relation to the number of guests served good and well prepared food. Friendly service. Perfect for Christmas parties. 2017 holiday seasons show theme is titled „the golden era“. Nicely decorated and theme matching lighting.

  • Sandro Blade Photography

    Sandro Blade Photography


    Very nice atmosphere. Posh

  • Susan Kennedy

    Susan Kennedy


    The Mansion house is an events venue, in the center of Dublin, with easy access. Lensmen Photography and Video has done some photography with them. It's a great large, open space to hold conferences. The architecture of the house provide us with nice photos.

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