The Metal Man i Tramore

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IrlandThe Metal Man



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Westtown, Tramore, Co. Waterford, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 52.1376514, Longitude: -7.1719664

kommentar 5

  • lee hub

    lee hub


    It is a historic pillar and man the c waterford coucil should make it a tour if they can!

  • Shea Jackman

    Shea Jackman


    Easy to get to (private land!) but be very careful of the cliffs with children.

  • en

    Fergal Jennings


    If you like walking along cliff edges and dangerous tracks this is worth doing. The statue was to send ships to Waterford rather than accidentally sailing onto the shallow seas at Tramore. There's a very similar statue in Sligo I think. I'm not quite sure where I remember seeing it

  • en

    Fye Flourite


    There is no way to actually get there unless you walk through private, fenced off fields.

  • Dervla murphy

    Dervla murphy


    Arrived under it in kayaks...enquire locally about kayak rental during summer, better to pop out when it's flat calm, there's good strong swell even in calm weather, be careful of going into caves(my pal got his helmet stuck in the cave roof, he unclipped his helmet so he could free his body as the sea left the cave). Sea's not warm, not bitter, during June July Aug Sept.

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