The National Reptile Zoo i Gowran

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IrlandThe National Reptile Zoo



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Demesne Road, Gowran, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 56 772 6757
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.6311876, Longitude: -7.0587748

kommentar 5




    Excellent and beautiful place for the people of all ages. Very friendly ,lovely and knowledgeable staff. Great experience.

  • Vladimir Atanasov

    Vladimir Atanasov


    Great place for kids and adults! We had a great time. A must visit

  • Jane Coppens

    Jane Coppens


    Really nice place and lovely staff. Ryan had a lovely 4th birthday there!

  • Gavin Douris

    Gavin Douris


    Great day out for the family This is an ideal stop on a rainy day as everything is contained indoors - even the play area. There's an extensive selection of reptiles on display with informative and friendly attendants. There's also a hands on demonstration where you can pet the snakes or lizards. There's enough here to keep the kids entertained for the day.

  • Frank O'Meara

    Frank O'Meara


    Hidden gem in Kilkenny. It's a great place to visit and easy to get into, from the motorway. Suitable for all ages from young to old. A lovely tour and wander of the Zoo, the staff are very helpful and friendly. Any questions you have about the reptiles or environments, the staff have the answers. You'd easily spend 2 hours there, if you have young children there is an indoor play area for them to spend a while on. At the end of the tour, there is a chance to hold a snake and a scorpion. If you aren't bothered by them it's well worth holding them for the experience. If you have a distaste for spiders or scorpions, there are 3 largish spiders in the Zoo. The scorpions are not out in the open, so you can visit in safety. All in all, it's worth spending half a day there, chatting with the staff and looking at the animals. Well worth a visit if you are near Kilkenny or near the M7 and after something to keep the children occupied.

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