The Oval Bar Dublin i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Oval Bar Dublin



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78, Abbey Street Middle, Dublin 1, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 872 1264
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Latitude: 53.3484631, Longitude: -6.2602957

kommentar 5

  • Fla Fla

    Fla Fla


    Great pub in the heart of Dublin. You can stop fpr a pint and something to eat after a long day walking around. 💚

  • Edu MV

    Edu MV


    Lugar tranquilo y agradable para tomar unas pintas ( y muy bien tiradas) en la segunda planta dispone de salón restaurante.

  • Phily Morris

    Phily Morris


    Nice little pub for a few pints. Central location just off O'Connell street. They show all major sports events on a large screen. Smoking area outside too and extra seats upstairs. Staff are friendly and there is never too long of a wait. They also do food which is of average quality and price. No live music but always has a good busy atmosphere and popular with both locals and visitors.

  • en

    Edna r


    Nice spot for a drink. AND you can HEAR your companions ! Prompt efficient service.. and good beer. Only issue ..Loos could do with a make over.

  • en

    Oscar gonzalez


    This is a true gentleman's bar . Recommended by the family to realizing it has so much history. But forgetting the history, it is in prime location. Close to the center of city centre. Prices are great. Service is food. Looks great. And even thought its tight quarters, there just seems to be great fun with everyone. Definitely a place to stop in for a pint

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