The Paddocks Riding Centre i Sandyford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Paddocks Riding Centre



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Woodside Road, Sandyford, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 295 4278
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.250451, Longitude: -6.225428

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lisa Murphy


    My daughter recently had her birthday party at the Paddocks riding Centre. The party group was a mix of beginners and some kids with limited riding experience. The staff at the Paddocks put everyone at ease from the start and the party headed off on a forest mountain walk with ease. There were plenty of smiling faces on their return with everyone really enjoying the experience. After they got a chance to groom a horse an learn a little about stable management. The Paddocks looked after the party food as well with plenty of pizza and goodies for all the riders! Great feedback from the parents afterwards that the children really enjoyed the experience. Thank you to the Paddocks for making this a memorable birthday. Highly recommended.

  • Charlotte Hansen

    Charlotte Hansen


    Very nice girls, who were very helpful tending to beginners. Took us on a nice walk in the beautiful woods above the stable. Nice to be able to borrow necessary equiptment.

  • en

    Ross O' Dwyer


    Great facilities. Stunning views. Very helpful and professional staff and instructors. Great for beginners and intermediates alike.

  • en

    Laura Coleman


    My daughter started riding at The Paddocks over 6 years ago and now, not only is she just as passionate about horse riding, I am equally as hooked. The Paddocks is a great place for children & adults to learn & develop their skills in a beautiful location over looking Dublin bay. There are horses to suit everyone, each with their own personality and all as friendly as next. Be warned, once you've been here, you wont want to leave.

  • en

    Yvette Spain


    Excellent Facilities with fun, challenging lessons for all levels and well cared for horses and ponies. The trekking is unlike any other with amazing views from Wicklow to the far North of Dublin. The staff are very helpful and friendly. It is well worth the trip. Up at the top of the list of things to do in Dublin.

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