The Pantry Cafe i Nenagh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Pantry Cafe



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Pearse Street, E45 PH32, Nenagh, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 67 31237
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Latitude: 52.8630593, Longitude: -8.1981343

kommentar 5

  • en

    darren griffin


    Good food. Nice staff

  • en

    Laura Carroll


    Excellent Food! Everything on the menu is soooo good. Often a line to get in as it is very popular but definitely worth the wait. Staff are always very friendly! Reasonably priced food too and great take away options especially at the deli counter!

  • Seamus Brophy

    Seamus Brophy


    The Pantry is one of the places that you must call to if you visit Nenagh. Grainne runs an excellent establishment and She has some great Staff. She is very lucky to have Mehmet, a waiter that any top restaurant would be proud to have heading their team.

  • Ken Monaghan

    Ken Monaghan


    A very popular place for breakfast coffee and lunch. Quality food reasonable prices. Opens early.

  • en

    Eamon Hartnett


    Fantastic place to eat and always a good buzz in there. The quality of the food is second to none and price wise it's good. If I was to recommend a place in town to eat then this would be it.

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