The Parade Ring i Clane

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Parade Ring


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Main Street, Clane, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 45 902 554
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Latitude: 53.2907014, Longitude: -6.6862566

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jason Meegan


    From how long we were left waiting for food and the mix up between the staff and chef it's not place I'd recommend to go for food the chef came out an start waving his hand at the girl who was waiting our table he was animated waving in our direction an saying some profound stuff I won't repeat the long and short off it is the chef here is a pig off a man an the staff haven't a clue wat they are doing its a place for regular people an regular people get looked after the waiter a girl told us that they had a desert on the menu and the other waiter told us they hadnt I wudnt recommend anyone go near the place their rude and honestly very disorganised I personally won't be going back near them ever again

  • john reid

    john reid


    Well looked after the food was top noch and the staff very friendly and this is the only time I have ever put a post up any were

  • en

    Carol Graham


    Under new management. Food is quite good. Owner very pleasant and open to suggestions. There's music every week.

  • en

    Stephen Egan


    Just had dinner here. It's under new ownership and have to say it's already different. Food was fantastic. Had a rump of lamp and chicken wings and it was simply brilliant. Looking forward to the next time Burgers look unreal.

  • Ashley Falconer

    Ashley Falconer


    It was lovely to meet the new owner Ted. We Really enjoyed our meals. The burgers were delicious and totally filled us up. We will definitely be back and we look forward to his new ideas for the place

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