The Royal Hotel i Arklow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Royal Hotel



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25, Main Street, Y14 XY83, Arklow, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 402 32524
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.7982214, Longitude: -6.1539169

kommentar 5

  • Hang Dang

    Hang Dang


    I just spent a night here and it was a bad experience. The room is small and lack of facilities. The bar was closed late with big music. And then they were making big noises outside moving their stuff into the store between 3-4 o'clock in the morning. I couldn't sleep. Will never come back again.

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    Mary Codd


    I stayed at The Royal Hotel Arklow.on Saturday night 16th September. What a nightmare..It was like being patt of a horror movie.From the dirt of the reception area and corridor to the outdated decor in the bedroom to a bed with soiled linen and the four walls rocking with loud music I got no sleep all night. Then just as I thought let men out of here and I won't be back I met up with 'The Manager/Barman/waiter/???????.He was the most ignorant abusive individual I've ever met in the hospitality trade.It's no wonder the Hotel is in such a state Certainly will never go back again or could not recommend it.I would rate it -5

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    Peter Comerford


    Good for golf and mad weekends

  • Derek Hano

    Derek Hano


    Great for stag / hen partys.

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    william dalton


    Perfect place to party the night away

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