The Russell Restaurant i Navan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Russell Restaurant



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16, Ludlow Street, C15 KF29, Navan, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 46 903 1690
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Latitude: 53.6525224, Longitude: -6.6835222

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sean Byrne


    Know as one of the best in Navan, very basic, a pity, went to impress a date, disappointed, a pity, has the decor but the food,......ordinary

  • Wayne Hennessy

    Wayne Hennessy


    Fantastic restaurant with amazing food & amazing staff to many Wonderful family meals there the most recent was 2 days ago & now have booked a confirmation dinner in for 18 family members & friends and am so delighted it's the Russell thank you guy's.

  • Adrian Brown

    Adrian Brown


    Not impressed. The Piri Piri Prawn starter was good. Decent sized meaty prawns in a hot sauce served with garlic bread. I chose Chicken Stir Fry for the main course. If I had not been the guest of someone else it would have gone back to the kitchen. It showed all the signs of being overcooked. The sauce had formed a thick coagulated goo. The peppers were really limp and the chicken was dry. As far as the surroundings was concerned, I had no complaints but nothing to really impress. One thing I did notice was that the napkins were the cheapest paper available which really doesn't provide a great image. I was under the impression that the Russell had a great reputation before this visit but that illusion had been shattered.

  • en

    Paul Egan


    Lovely food, great service.

  • en

    Ita Yore


    Just was in the Russell Restaurant for our Christmas party was very disappointed the restaurant there had no heating we were all frozen wouldn't be eating in it again food was good

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