The Temple Bar i Dublin 2

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IrlandThe Temple Bar



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47-48, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 672 5286
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Latitude: 53.3454753, Longitude: -6.2641716

kommentar 5

  • Leo van de Geer

    Leo van de Geer


    Wow, simply wow! It's a beautiful bar with live music and a quality atmosphere. We found it very easy to talk to the local and tourist customers. The staff was friendly and quick to help.

  • Bryan Moir

    Bryan Moir


    When in Temple Bar, visit Temple Bar. Great little pub. Beer is good, the crowd young and friendly, and the atmosphere vibrant. You can feel the energy, the buzz if you will of this bar. There is always something going on either inside or outside for your enjoyment and entertainment. The night we were there there were street performers out in the street. We ran into a couple from Toronto, and kept asking, jokingly, for the bartender to put on the Blue Jays game. Needless to say he enjoyed our little joke, but was unable to meet our request. The pub fare is good, and the portions plentiful, with reasonable prices depending on the foreign exchange rate. Get a picture taken inside the bar or outside on the street. It is a place that you won't forget and want to relive your evening there time after time. We do, and glad we shared a few pints at the Temple Bar!

  • Ju You

    Ju You


    Crowded but fun. Went on a Friday night which was no doubt one of the busiest nights of the week; it was hard to find a place to sit and it was shoulder to shoulder standing-room-only inside, that it was a fun and festive atmosphere. Live music, lots of happy people with smiles on their faces. It was hard to get a drink because it was so busy. I definitely want to go back on a less busier night; I'm guessing the atmosphere will be just as much fun!

  • en

    Jasmin Hinterhuber


    Really great bar. Sometimes hard to find a place because it's really stuffed. They have everything you would want to drink in an Irish pub. Offers a really big choice of sandwiches and small plates, also vegetarian and vegan products. We got our drinks and food really fast and it tasted really good. The life music was great. All in all a great experience if you want to try an Irish pub in Dublin.

  • Cassidy DiAgostino

    Cassidy DiAgostino


    Best nighttime bar in all of Dublin! They have live music on the weekends till about 2am, every performer that comes each night is great, they play traditional Irish songs and the atmosphere is line none other! Everyone inside is friendly, everyone is smiling, dancing, and having a good time. For a great time, a great pint, with great music Temple Bar is the place to go! During the day you must stop and get a sandwich, thy have a list about 100 different sandwiches, I had the Christmas sandwich and it was delicious!

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