The Thatch Cottage Café i Grannagh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Thatch Cottage Café



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Granny, Grannagh, Co. Kilkenny, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 51 872 876
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Latitude: 52.28126, Longitude: -7.161498

kommentar 5

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    Cecily Purcell


    First time visit for me... Busy place at lunchtime. I didn't realise that it would have been advisable to make a reservation but luckily I got a table. Staff were well trained and presented and knowledgeable about menu. No problem in rejigging a dish for me. Not bored whilst waiting as they have an interesting decor and dressers displaying locallly produced food and even a recent book published by a local author. My dish was tasty and filling. Looking around people were happily scoffing down panninis and open sandwiches. I was only sorry I had to leave promptly. Did a quick perusal of desert display I didn't see any warm puddings though which would have been a minus for me though. Must check next time!

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    Irish Girl


    Consistently good. Warm welcome and good choice of food. Highly recommend.

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    Gwenda Wallace


    Had lunch here yesterday.. lovely place, super staff & food was great! Really enjoyed it & will be back soon.

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    Annette Muldowney


    Fab food and service. Seafood crepe outstanding.

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    Tara Lebourveau


    Loved the food! Everything was delicious, cooked perfectly with a short wait. The staff was efficient and pleasant. Just across from old castle ruins.

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