The Tower Hotel & Leisure Centre i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Tower Hotel & Leisure Centre


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The Mall, X91 VXE0, Waterford, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 862 300
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.2601539, Longitude: -7.1049082

kommentar 5

  • en

    paula loskamp


    Friendly staff. Hotel currently being renovated but we were pleased with room. Had excellent view of Viking tower and harbor. Close to all. Good parking and nice breakfast.

  • en

    Geraldine Grant


    Have just had one of the most fabulous weekends staying in the Tower hotel. My daughter was having her wedding reception on Friday here. Due to the "beast from the east" arriving Wednesday night wedding plans had to change. Bridal party family and friends checked in on Thursday. Ceremony and reception went ahead Friday. This happened thanks to the fantastic staff who could not do enough for us. Aine and Patrick went above and beyond for us. I can honestly say they pulled out all the stops.

  • Samhuv- Gamer

    Samhuv- Gamer


    Amazing hotel! Absolutely nothing wrong with it! I remember Brendan Grace stayed in a room across from mine when I was there. At breakfast, just before he left, he pulled a funny one and dashed out the door!!! Anyway, I don't see why this hotel isn't at least a 4-star. I highly recommended this hotel.

  • David Silver

    David Silver


    Stayed in room 242. Like going back in time. Room was beyond basic. 30+ year old everything bar the TV which was 20 years old. Mould all over the bathroom ceiling and could not get the shower to a reasonable temperature . Room was a 1 star experience. Extra star for nice, lobby, bar leisure centre.

  • Chris Stewart

    Chris Stewart


    I have stayed here by myself and with my wife on a few different business trips. The parking lot can be a pain to get a decent parking spot in and you have to remember to get the code from the desk each day. At least they have a parking lot though. Breakfast was average and the coffee was good. The dinner we found to be better, but a little pricey. The service was good and the front desk was helpful. The room wasn't small in my opinion and seemed about right for 1 or 2 people. The private WIFI was nice to have. The location is good and you are close to the quay and Waterford Crystal.

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