The Western Hotel i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Western Hotel


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33, Prospect Hill, H91 Y3FA, Galway, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 91 562 834
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Latitude: 53.2764277, Longitude: -9.0477721

kommentar 5

  • Tom Hanley

    Tom Hanley


    City Central Hotel, old style with modern apartments close by. Great food very reasonable. Ideal for exploring City Centre

  • Elly Hutchinson

    Elly Hutchinson


    Location was great and price was awesome. We got a wonderful large room with 3 beds that was only €90. Staff was very helpful with parking our car and giving us tips for what to do in the neighborhood. My only complaint was that breakfast was not included as it was for nearly all other hotels and inns we stayed at in Ireland at this price.

  • en

    Stephanie Sta. Maria


    We stayed at the Eyre Apartments. The apartments were very clean and spacious. The beds had great pillows. The view from the balcony was beautiful and very close to all the pubs and shopping center.

  • Cheryl Patten

    Cheryl Patten


    Great location on Prospect Hill minutes from the bus station and 1/2 kilometer walk to Quay Street. We stayed in one of the apartments that the hotel offers. The front desk staff could not have been more helpful and accommodating and the housekeeping staff was excellent. Plenty of room for a family of 4. Highly recommend!

  • it

    Giulia G.


    Hotel situato a due minuti a piedi dal centro della città. Il check-in è stato veloce, personale professionale. Le camere sono spaziose e pulite. Al piano terra è presente un pub che la sera offre musica dal vivo.

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