Therapie Clinic Limerick i Limerick

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IrlandTherapie Clinic Limerick



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32, Cruise's Street, Limerick, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 650 750
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Latitude: 52.6638616, Longitude: -8.6254186

kommentar 5

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    Higly recommend, staff are amazing so welcoming and higly knowledgeable on all products and treatments. Relaxing atmosphere and variety of treatments available

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    niamh mc inerney


    I have had laser hair removal on my underarms and bikini and the results are brilliant. I have just finished my course of six sessions and any hair growth i have had has been completely different to what my hair was like before. I have always had really dark rough hair and throughout my course the hair was coming back a lot lighter and a lot less than before even my skin feels a lot smoother , I will need top up sessions as you you are told at the beginning of your course that the laser reduces 80% of hair growth but it all depends on the person. I would highly recommend laser to people as I have always had issues with my skin when it comes to removing hair , and I have found that the laser has helped me so much. My therapist was Kate and she was so polite and understanding of any questions I had about laser and aftercare would highly recommend her to anyone looking into laser.

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    Sarah Fitzpatrick


    I highly recommend Therapie Clinic Limerick. I'm getting great results from my laser hair removal. The staff here are very professional and friendly. My therapist is Stacey and she's brilliant. She's very friendly and informative and I've been really happy with all my sessions. Their late opening hours are ideal as I can book appointments for late evening after work. Would definitely recommend Therapie Clinic Limerick

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    Marcela Konecna


    I had laser treatment on 2 areas in the past and I am very happy with the results. After those treatments my life has changed so much. I am recommending laser hair removal because it has changed my life. I wanted to do it long time ago. At the moment I take laser treatments again for new area. My therapist name is Stacey. She is very nice person. We always chat during the treatment and that makes the time run faster. I am happy that I came back to therapy clinic.

  • Deirdre Cullinane

    Deirdre Cullinane


    I have just finished my 5th session this week and I honestly cannot recommend laser hair removal enough! The results I have had after just 5 sessions are incredible! All the girls in Therapie (Limerick) are amazing! Stacey is the lady who has been doing my laser and she is absolutely fantastic - a lovely girl and makes the whole experience extremely relaxing and almost painless!! Well worth the consultation to see if you are suitable for laser as the results are incredible!!

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