Thomond Park i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThomond Park



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Cratloe Road, Limerick, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 421 100
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Latitude: 52.6742164, Longitude: -8.642519

kommentar 5

  • AJ Tabuena

    AJ Tabuena


    I love watching rugby matches here! If you’re looking for a proper experience, you’d have to get standing tickets and cover up in the cold weather.

  • Blank Blank

    Blank Blank


    Beautiful stadium, the work was definitely needed and they didn’t disappoint. Home of one of the best rugby teams in Ireland, it is honestly great, the facilities in the stadium are great but there is only a few things that I don’t really like. 1: The other two smaller stands. They really need to keep up with the rest of the stadium and be properly constructed and designed like the rest of the stadium. 2: The parking facilities on site

  • en

    Louise Burke


    The atmosphere here Sat 9th Dec for Munster vs Leicester was mighty. Park up the rd at LIT for €5, an its a 5min walk back. Everyone working here that I spoke with was lovely and very helpful. I was given some Munster flags and carried them home with pride. For such a cold day it would have been better to have the match a lot earlier in the day. I know its our home ground but it was a lot cleaner then our last day at the Aviva. I can't wait to go back again.

  • Ciara Cronin-Douglas

    Ciara Cronin-Douglas


    Great venue for a night out! Was fortunate to be a guest at the Thomond suite to watch a great game of rugby between Munster & Leicester Tigers. Hospitality was excellent & met some players also!

  • en

    Hugh Heaney


    Home of the one and only Munster Team, famous all over the rugby playing world. Don't miss a chance to see a game here! Brilliant stadium with incredible atmosphere and the friendliest and most knowledgeable fans anywhere. Enjoy a beer in one of the three bars here after a game. The ground is about a 15 minute walk from Limerick City centre.

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