Tierney's i Clonmel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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13, O'Connell Street, Clonmel, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 52 612 4467
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Latitude: 52.352642, Longitude: -7.7028921

kommentar 5

  • Rory Sheehan

    Rory Sheehan


    This is an under appreciated pub in Clonmel, which may work in favour​ for a holidaymaker as the pub is often very quiet. It is beautifully decorated and contains a host of antique items giving the place an edge of history and character. The food here is delicious, and for dessert I recommend the bread and butter pudding. Yum.

  • Evan Playz sims and more

    Evan Playz sims and more


    Got a smell on the way in and out

  • Михаил Гиркин

    Михаил Гиркин


    Definitely one of the best pubs I have been in Ireland! Great atmosphere! Outstanding service! Delicious food! Interior is just amazing! Love it!

  • en

    sheila forrest


    Very Quaint pub and restaurant , home cooked food , very friendly staff. Won lots of awards ,only drawback not really Wheelchair accessible.

  • en

    Shane Brennan


    I went in there for dinner last Sunday and found the service excellent and the food absolutely delicious. Very comfortable pleasant surroundings, in addition to serving a very decent pint of Guinness.

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