Toffee & Thyme i Enniscorthy

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandToffee & Thyme



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24, Rafter Street, Enniscorthy, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 53 923 7144
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Latitude: 52.5009175, Longitude: -6.5688412

kommentar 5

  • Paul Smith

    Paul Smith


    Our favourite place to stop for a bite to eat in Enniscorthy. Very friendly and helpful staff. Great menu with reasonable prices.

  • Tadhg Darcy Blinds

    Tadhg Darcy Blinds


    Without doubt the best cafe in Enniscorthy. Top Class fresh food. Spotless clean, great staff. Keep up the good work.

  • en

    Damian English


    Great place to arrange to meet someone and have a coffee/cake/sandwich.... with very nice/friendly staff

  • Colm Burke

    Colm Burke


    Very enjoyable lunch, sea food chowder was delicious and toasted cheese sandwich was best my 10 year old had ever tasted!

  • en

    Tommy Price


    It's ok. There are a lot of locals and older folk in here (which isn't a bad thing) but there was nothing particularly striking about this place. One annoying thing is the long bench seat. It's too high for the table and you slide off it to easily.

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