Trading Places i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTrading Places



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20, South Mall Street, T12 EW7Y, Cork, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 427 6000
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.8965778, Longitude: -8.4711241

kommentar 5

  • en

    Leah Skillman


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    michael maguire


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    Paul D


    very ignorant staff. Called up one morning to enquire about a property on I was told in a huff that it was taken (like I was expected to know) and by the time i got to say 'ok, thank you' the phone was slammed down. ad wasn't taken down for another 2 days after that

  • Owen Purcell

    Owen Purcell


    Don't have tenants rights in there philosophy. Will brush you off if a scrupulous landlord deems to do what they want and whom they welcome as customers, so someone else can deal with you. Also over inflate property prices and bad attitude.

  • Ciprian Kis

    Ciprian Kis


    First of all.. . This is not your average Letting Agency, there are actually human beings working there with real Brains and big Hearts that can properly understand your situation and find the best solution for your needs. Back to business, the first agency I've seen so far that doesn't overprice the properties, with properties for all needs and budgets... With a a very good maintenance team ready to sort out any problem you may encounter. Simply the best! Thank You For Everything!!!

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