Triskel Arts Centre i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTriskel Arts Centre



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Tobin Street, Cork, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 427 2022
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Latitude: 51.8973901, Longitude: -8.4763464

kommentar 5

  • Ash Clancy

    Ash Clancy


    Brilliant venue. Comfortable seating in an old church style. Fantastic acoustics.

  • Neil McLoughlin

    Neil McLoughlin


    Went to the cinema there to see Loving Vincent and really enjoyed the venue. Cool atmosphere and you can bring a beer in from the cafe. Love the vibe.

  • en

    Brendan Petrassi


    Very lovely food, ambience and service. A great local business with a lot to offer. Movie nights in the church are great too. My only qualm is the prices in the cafe aren't very affordable.

  • en

    Shay Graham


    Stunning venue caught me completely by surprise... went to see and movie meet and greet and was absolutely blown away.. hidden gem for anyone that hasn't visited and that's just for the actual decor

  • Paul Martin

    Paul Martin


    The Triskel is a fine spit to pop in for a coffee, beer quick bit or beer in a relaxed setting. Also the entertainment there is fabulous. Whether a gig in the old church or a screening of a movie this is a great place for date night or to spend with friends.

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