Tuam Stadium (Saint Jarlath's Park) i Tuam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTuam Stadium (Saint Jarlath's Park)


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3, Tír An Chóir, H54 ED73, Tuam, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.5092842, Longitude: -8.8538098

kommentar 5

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    pat mc evilly


    There last Sunday... Got wet in the stand... The official said stand but let me in... At least 40 more people came in after rubbish

  • David Clark

    David Clark


    This place used to be the heart of Galway football & some epic matches took place here down the years. It's a shame to see the place slowly crumble due to the lack of investment. No floodlights either, a ridiculous situation when you consider how even most small clubs in the country have some form of floodlighting at this stage. Location is great, potential is great, go on someone, give it a bit of love, make it great again!

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    Good ground for gaa football in county Galway

  • Pat McDonnell

    Pat McDonnell


    Worst pitch I was ever in. Toilet were filthy should be closed down

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    Michael Walsh


    I go to a lot matches in Tuam very easy to get in and out Needs a new stadium with new seating The best of luck to our club Mountbellew Moylough in the Final

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