TWOBEANS Speciality Coffee Bar i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTWOBEANS Speciality Coffee Bar



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11, George's Street Lower, A96 PK74, Dublin, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 284 4983
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Latitude: 53.2944751, Longitude: -6.1414847

kommentar 5

  • Jane horner

    Jane horner


    Amazing coffee. Food great too always a warm welcome from lovely staff

  • Patrick Molloy

    Patrick Molloy


    Good coffee, attentive, pleasant owners. Neat, clean and relaxing haven for a coffee and cake

  • Stephen O'Doherty

    Stephen O'Doherty


    Two Beans is the pride of Dun Laoghaire serving the finest coffee you will ever taste, anywhere. The owners are masters of their craft. Their knowledge and skills are staggering and just watching them create a coffee is a mindful experience that will mesmorise you. Unlike the big chain coffer shops, whose staff are trained to push a button, Two Beans staff artfully craft each and every customers coffee with attention, skill and pride. After one visit you will be remembered not only by name, but exactly what you ordered the last time and how you like it. Pretty impressive considering the enormous volume of people who eat and drink here daily. Coffee connoisseurs come from far and wide to drink and get expert advice on the latest blends and what bean would suit their requirements. Apart from coffee, the home made salads, sandwiches and soups are simply first class. With WiFi and carefully selected music playlists, you could quite easily find yourself on your third coffee without noticing the day go by. I, along with all their other customers, couldn't fault this business if I tried. Coffee geniuses!

  • Sarah Butler

    Sarah Butler


    Rude staff don't know how to talk to customers properly. Second instance of it. Won't go back. It's a shame because coffee is good. Ah well, there are couple of other good coffee shops in DL these days.

  • Andrej Penkov

    Andrej Penkov


    A very decent coffee place even for those more demanding coffee lovers. Always friendly and fast service and flauvorsome brews. I personally like their roast, which is not acidy (unlike some other places). Gets a bit busy and noisy at times, though, so reading a book while enjoying your coffee might be a bit tricky.

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