UK Car Imports i Dublin

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IrlandUK Car Imports



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Unit 113, Grange Way, Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Dublin 13, Kilbarrack Lower, Dublin, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 839 0334
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Latitude: 53.392803, Longitude: -6.145515

kommentar 5

  • Gavin Coleman

    Gavin Coleman


    Successfully shopped for and bought the perfect car with Richard's help. Powerful search tool, great choice and great support from Richard, wouldn't hesitate to recommend.

  • en

    Saman Feghhi


    Bought a BMW 3 series using this service. Although it was my first time importing/buying a car like this, it was a very smooth transaction and Richard was extremely helpful throughout the procedure. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Laura Browne


    After months of searching donedeal for a second hand car but to of no avail I was told about this service, I checked their website (which has a great search engine btw), saw the car I wanted at a lower price and millage than elsewhere, placed a bid and was successful through the guidance of Richard. The car had a full condition report with pictures and it was exactly as it was noted when I collected it. I found the condition report was in-depth and had more detail than if purchased by a garage or private sale....would highly recommend...

  • Colin Cashin

    Colin Cashin


    Excellent, turn key service. Everything was handled extremely professionally at each step. Quick turnaround. Fully VRTd car ready within 4 weeks of auction date. Very happy with results. Recommend this service without hesitation. Thanks Richard & Co.

  • en

    John Grennan


    I never knew buying a car from the UK would be this easy. Richard did all the heavy lifting and kept in contact throughout the process. I highly recommend UK Car Imports. A++++

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