University College Cork i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandUniversity College Cork


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College Road, Cork, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 490 3000
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Latitude: 51.8921099, Longitude: -8.4932737

kommentar 5

  • Femi olajitan

    Femi olajitan


    A renowned citadel of learning. But accommodation is such a huge deal to students.

  • Raych Gitau

    Raych Gitau


    I am writing this an international student hoping to inform others of the reality of UCC. Ireland has a housing crisis and UCC cannot accommodate all it's student,they rely on local landlords to provide housing. However UCC international office is not responsible for making sure the houses are up to code. What ends up happening is students end up in substandard overpriced accommodation with greedy landlords who care more about making money and by the time you get here,it's too late to look for accommodation. As an international student,you won't get your money's worth in housing,and please stay away from Edenhall Apartments at all cost. I think it's high time UCC looked into accommodation for international students and reviewed some of their policies.

  • en

    al imran


    The university college of cork and biggest and oldest University in Ireland and good facilities and good at adventures many students given that the university administration office and gorgeous University Campus

  • en

    Robert Clark


    A very beautiful property. The history is overwhelming. The buildings are constructed of whitestone, limestone I believe. The inside of the older buildings contain gorgeous woodwork and more stone. The library is built from stone mined from the property.

  • Fabio Telarico

    Fabio Telarico


    I'm not studying here, but after a fast visit of the campus I really wish I was. The campus is smartly built in order to fit the students' needings. The various complexes that make up the UCC represent a valid example of the best way to use a suburban space.

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