University College Dublin O'Brien Centre for Science i Dublin 4

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandUniversity College Dublin O'Brien Centre for Science


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Belfield, Dublin 4, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 716 7777
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3082648, Longitude: -6.2236395

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Horca

    Daniel Horca


    When you get a quiet day on campus, it's one of the most peaceful places to be.

  • Gary Kearney

    Gary Kearney


    It is amazing how improved it is since I was last there. Could do with a bit more street lighting

  • Matthieu Rouland

    Matthieu Rouland


    Awesome and peaceful. Je recommande aux étudiants français 😁. ~Matth

  • Bulelani Cornelius Mfaco

    Bulelani Cornelius Mfaco


    I had a great time in UCD. Came from South Africa to study Politics. Excellent academic and administrative staff. The International Office provided all the support I needed from immigration documents to opening a bank account. The student societies also play an important part as there is something to do for everyone from video games to volunteering for charity. The campus is well located and has all the amenities required for the best student life. There wasn't much accommodation available on campus in my year but they've built a new residence and another one is planned.

  • Anil Kumar

    Anil Kumar


    Great university. Career aspects after programs from this university are phenomenal especially food sciences. And it's quite green, beautiful and kinda serene at some places as well. Quite relaxing.

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