Up To My Eyes i Greystones

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IrlandUp To My Eyes



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6 Theatre Lane, Hillside Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 287 2781
internet side: www.uptomyeyes.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.144645, Longitude: -6.064565

kommentar 5

  • aisling crotty

    aisling crotty


    Deborah is the friendliest and bubbliest person. She makes you feel so comfortable and make your brows look the best they can possibly be. Everytime i am in greystones i go straight to up to my eyes because they are just the best.

  • en

    Sandie Kennedy


    I’ve worn eyelash extensions for 6 years, Up To My Eyes are by far the best salon I’ve been to. No twisting or pinching, just beautiful lashes that last the amount of time they should. All the staff are really welcoming, very kind and attentive.

  • en

    Afterschoolgrinds Afterschoolgrinds


    Was delighted with my consultation- very professional & friendly. Elaine explained everything & asked several times did I have any questions. Had heard great recommendations about this place - now I can see why! Excited for my treatment now.

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    Rachel Carthy


    Love going have my lashes done! So relaxing and staff are all fab. Salon is so comfy you don’t feel the hour or so go by. Thank you so much for all.

  • en

    Christine Dandy


    Deborah never fails to deliver with her lashes and customer care. She continuously displays a professional, warm, friendly, and attentive manner. Excellent is the only way to portray her customer centric approach. This has to be said for Stephenie on reception also! Stephanie constantly finds a way to accomodate you with a booking and always greats you with such a welcoming smile!! I couldn't recommend up to my eyes more,the staff are second to none!

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