Update Heating Limited i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandUpdate Heating Limited


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26, The Demesne, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 833 8676
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Latitude: 53.3725171, Longitude: -6.2033688

kommentar 2

  • en

    Andrew S


    We just had our old heating system replaced by update heating. I can't recommend these guys enough. Very neat, you would never know they'd been in the house and where other plumbers just wanted to box pipes into corners and along walls (I hate the look of that) Update made sure things were done right and all pipes were hidden behind skirting boards or through the walls.

  • en

    Susan Boyle


    Update Heating Ltd have just finished installing a complete new dual heating system in my home, including an outdoor condensing boiler, all new pipework, radiators, thermostats, controls, timer etc., and they have done a super job that I'm really pleased with. They gave me a competitive quote detailing every aspect of the installation, and offered me professional advice before and throughout the installation. The guys arrived punctually every morning, left my home in a clean state every evening and all rubbish removed. The quality of their work was exceptional and their attention to detail unprecedented. Replacing my old heating system with this new one was a big investment for me. After obtaining quotations from several heating contractors, I chose Update Heating and just hoped I had made the right choice, and I certainly did! I have no hesitation to recommend Update Heating to anyone looking for professional heating contractors who will do an excellent job! Susan Boyle Raheny

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