Vikki's Café & Wine Bar i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandVikki's Café & Wine Bar



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85A, Sunday's Well Road, T23 KX59, Cork, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 422 1729
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Latitude: 51.8982142, Longitude: -8.4972047

kommentar 5

  • en

    David Chinnock


    Nice little cafe food was great .service was good great mix of people in the cafe when we went all friendly

  • en

    Donal Collins


    very enjoyable with a great atmosphere and background music will do it again

  • en

    Rosemary O'Sullivan


    Delicious breakfast lovely cafe. Definitely will return

  • Salem Raboy

    Salem Raboy


    Amazing find. Food and service are both fantastic. We had the potato cake with salmon and poached egg, vegetable soup and the cheese and leek sandwich. Everything was SO good. Hopefully we'll have time to go back before we leave.

  • Steve Daly

    Steve Daly


    Nice cafe to drop in for a quick bite or a full lunch. I drop in occasionally and I always find the staff to be very friendly and the food is always good. There is ample seating but it can get busy at lunch time. All the food is made on site so you know it's fresh.

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