Vincent Brady Consulting Engineers w County Kildare

IrlandiaVincent Brady Consulting Engineers


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Unit D3 M4 Business Park Celbridge Co. Kildare Ireland, Crodaun, Co. Kildare, Irlandia
kontakt telefon: +353 1 627 3195
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Latitude: 53.3595411, Longitude: -6.5474746

komentarze 4

  • en

    elaine mmcgoldrick


    Please avoid. Made mistakes on our planning, structural issues with the build after his supervision. His fee was 10,600 euros for a 137k renovation project, with 9 visits to our house. Terrible problems getting certification afterwards. We are now heading down the legal route to recoup the 75k we had to spend on remedial work and associated professional fees so that our house met with Building Regulations and was structurally safe after Mr. Brady's supervision of our project, which also included design, and tendering to a supposedly competent builder. We had to employ a new builder and a Chartered Engineer. The Disciplinary Panel of Mr. Brady's professional body found him guilty of professional misconduct at the beginning of February 2018. The Disciplinary Panel stated they were recommending to their Council, a suspension of 6 months for Mr. Brady from their register. It gave either party leave to appeal within 28 days. I presumed the recommendation to the Council of the Disciplinary Panel is stayed while the appeal is going on, and recently received confirmation of this from Mr. Brady's professional body that no decision will be made on the recommendation of the Disciplinary Panel to suspend Mr. Brady for misconduct until their Council has examined the recommendation and agrees or not with it. I would like to further state for the benefit of Mr. Brady who have been wi threatening us with defamation proceedings through his solicitors - as if we haven't been through enough already - that we have all the supporting correspondences (several) from Mr. Brady, i.e. that Mr. Brady's supervision was more than periodic visits, as demonstrated in his fee and in correspondences. We are also able to provide correspondences with our local Planning Officer, that it is documented and common knowledge that you can't build another 40q metre exertions where there has been one done already. Mr. Brady advertised himself as a Planning Consultant, so we thought we would have no problem with planning. Further, in addition to the supporting documentation above, we also have three reports from a Chartered Engineer and expert witness, and a report from a Chartered Surveyor stating what the problems were with the house, and what Mr. Brady should have done according to normal/good practice, and stating what certification we should have received. Mr. Brady himself is just an Associate Engineer. In relation to supporting documentation, I would also like to state that my Solicitor took very detailed notes of the Disciplinary Hearing, which will corroborate what we have stated. In relation to Mr. Brady's professional body, Mr. Brady's supervision was seen to be not less than diligent!!! So the motto is really it's not worth paying an engineer 10 to 15K to supervise a project, as it will be deemed that they are not responsible for anything that goes wrong, including loadings, design etc. Only in Ireland .......!!! The Disciplinary Panel based their findings of misconduct on Mr. Brady taking on things beyond his competency, issues with CPD and and it being 'light' as stated at the Hearing, and coping a CIF contract and copyright issues. In relation to Mr. Brady's CPD, when we looked recently at the CPD Log, he submitted on 8th September, 2016 which was forwarded to us, business networking meetings were put down as CPD for one of the years, we were very surprised at this, and at also at other issues submitted as part of his CPD. We raised these issues with his professional body.

  • en

    Elaine Kelly


    I can highly recommend Vincent Brady to anyone looking for an engineer for any building developments they may have in mind. Vincent developed and provided oversight of our extension and attic conversion, he was highly professional through every step of the process. Our build was tailored to suit all of our family requirements and came in on budget without making any sacrifices on spec and finish.

  • en

    Colin Farrell


    Vincent brady consulting did an extension to our house in ballsbridge, we would like to thank the company and vincent for a job well done. excellent service, great money saving ideas and overcame some tricky planning issues. Thanks Vincent

  • David Whelan Enterprises

    David Whelan Enterprises


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