Voodoo Venue i Letterkenny

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandVoodoo Venue



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Lower Main Street, Letterkenny, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 74 910 9815
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.94884, Longitude: -7.738098

kommentar 5

  • en

    Martin Hopkins


    The Vintage club up stairs is what I enjoyed

  • en

    J Mac


    I don't go out as much as I used to anymore but when I did, this was always my least favourite place in town to socialize and only ever happened under the insistence of someone else. One reviewer very accurately described it as a "cattle mart". Many times I've had drinks splashed on me in the overpacked lounge floor where the music is usually amplified to the point of making it impossible to chat to whoever you're along with. I see even in their Christmas brochure, which came through my door on Friday, a pic of a guy with drink spilled down his shirt!! I never leave reviews, however this review was prompted based on the terrible experience my 18 year old niece had there recently.. She had come up from Inishown at Halloween to go to Voodoo club with a friend. After queuing for the best part of an hour in a queue that had zero crowd control and potential for people being trampled, when they got to the front of the queue some guy shouted that a girl had been sick, at which point a female bouncer with dark blond hair reached for my niece and yanked her out of the queue. Her friend politely tried to reason with the bouncer that she pulled the wrong person out at which point a male door person pushed him into the club and then refused to let him back out. My niece was left standing by herself crying in the street until a family member went into town to take her home. Baring in mind that just the week previously, a young girl had been viciously assaulted just up the street from Voodoo... It seems their policy for someone being sick is to chuck them into the street. In this case it was the wrong person that was dragged out of the queue. The amount of money and effort my niece spent getting her Halloween outfit and coming up to Letterkenny to have that type of experience disgusts me. I reached out to Voodoo via their Facebook page. No apology was offered. No acknowledgment that the staff in question would be addressed. Nothing. I suggest a change of name for the club from Voodoo to 'Bad Vibe', because that's all you'll get on a night out at this place!

  • Serkan Yildiz

    Serkan Yildiz


    so nice and friendly ppl . try ones and you will love here

  • David James Mc Auley

    David James Mc Auley


    Brilliant if you want a good night out in Letterkenny. Suitable for all ages, live band on Fridays and Saturday and craic is 90.

  • Mary Doherty

    Mary Doherty


    Love House wine Bar. Cheese Bord excellent also meat platter.

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