Westport House i Westport

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandWestport House



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Quay Road, Westport, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 98 27766
internet side: www.westporthouse.ie
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Latitude: 53.8006364, Longitude: -9.5355079

kommentar 5

  • delzgirl 13

    delzgirl 13


    Absolutely stunning 😍came for my Nannys 60th and we had the most wonderful day of our lives well worth 5 stars and such a beautiful day and the views are just amazing ❤

  • Erin McLaughlin

    Erin McLaughlin


    Fabulous house with loads to see. Looking forward to Summer to come back to spend time on the grounds.

  • en

    tommy aquinas


    What a beautiful place to walk around. Nice to kick back here and take a break from the wife and kids. There were some great people visiting this area too. If I could recommend anything, hit up the slippery dip. Ah outrageous experience. The dungeon in Westport house is also quite the thrill, if you're able for it....

  • en

    Fergal Faughnan


    Overall good experience for the price we paid. We got a deal for Adults 2 for 1 which was great. Kids really enjoyed the train experience. Also the bouncy castle.. Cafe in westport house has plain and simple food and it hits the spot after a few hours of walking..Kids and I enjoyed the cannonball run and also the go karts. As it was October we had no wait time for anything, weather was good, so that made it more enjoyable.. Also there is other rides which you need to pay extra for and these were closed in Oct..overall we were all happy. Good day.

  • es

    Carolina García Molina


    Los jardines y el exterior son preciosos y geniales para dar un paseo al lado del río o llegar hasta el puerto. Recomendable 100%, sobre todo en otroño. Para entrar a la mansión hay que pagar y no está mal para visitarla una vez

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