WHSmith i County Clare

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Departures Lounge, Shannon Airport, Ballyhennessy, County Clare, Co. Clare, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 61 474 560
internet side: www.whsmith.co.uk
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Latitude: 52.692641, Longitude: -8.9206619

kommentar 2

  • en

    Monica McKee-Vincent


    Just been in to wh smiths at Shannon airport and I have to say have met the rudest and most unhelpful girl behind the counter. I was going to buy some emerald sweets and as they were on offer at buy one get one half price for 170g bag thought this was good as the other shop only had 150g bags. When I checked the weight of the bag they actually weren't 170 but only 150 so i asked the girl if these were the right bags as the offer says 170 to which she replied yes. I said again that the offer says170 but she said that they don't sell 170 bags. I then said that the offer sign was a bit misleading as it clearly states 170 to wjich she replied "email the company I only work here". I said yes u work here which is why I am telling you to which she then replied " well I don't care". I think WH Smith need to train their staff in customer service as this young lady is severely lacking. I walked out of the shop and bought the sweets elsewhere.

  • jolasolotrips com

    jolasolotrips com


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