Wicklow Bowl i Wicklow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandWicklow Bowl



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Dublin Road, Wicklow, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 404 65222
internet side: www.wicklowbowl.ie
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Latitude: 52.986684, Longitude: -6.0615666

kommentar 5

  • Ingrid Bark

    Ingrid Bark


    Нам очень нравиться Kids zone.И еще там прикольные игровые аппараты для детей.

  • en

    Sharon Duffy


    Great place to spend time with kids and family.

  • edward humphrey

    edward humphrey


    Overall very good place, lots of things to do besides bowling, pool, video games.

  • en

    Dreaded Estate


    Went for the children's party and the service was really good. Started with bowling and a lane was €20 for an hour. The play centre upstairs is really well laid out with plenty of activities for children of different ages. It is also fairly reasonable priced at €7.50 per child. It was mid week so that may have been cheaper. Food is surprisingly good quality and €15 for a children's platter which is more than enough for 5 kids.

  • en

    Sissel Tonnies


    Staff are young and most definitely know what they are doing! Great interaction with the customers. We really enjoyed our stay.

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