Winter Funderland i Dublin

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IrlandWinter Funderland


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Simmonscourt Road, DO4 E6N6, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 485 3045
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Latitude: 53.3229485, Longitude: -6.2254638

kommentar 5

  • Jodie Chapman

    Jodie Chapman


    Great few hours fun to be had, and if you plan to go on all the rides and maybe more than once each then you'd definitely be better off getting the wrist band! However, I think its more idealistic for young teens! A slightly older generation might find there are a lot of childish rides that have no exhilaration. So therefore the adult priced tickets are ridiculous because there are not as many 'age appropriate' rides as such. How and ever I had a great first time there and would go again!

  • Ais



    SOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!! I suggest you pre-book as there can be a long queue for tickets. Great rides and good fun.

  • ClickBayt Queen

    ClickBayt Queen


    This place is amazing! Definately Worth the money and Time, Id Recommend To go here with family and friends! I recommend to get the bands online, As it is much cheaper than spending €3.25 for each ride, Rides Avalible for all ages, And many snacks are over there too!

  • en

    Nicola Fowler


    Had a great day I went ice skating which was great Edward and Brian really looked after us Brian was amazing teaching my little boy how to skate then a fella went flying towards me and I landed on my head it was an awful bang which left me very shook up but I can't thank the staff enough Brian was there in seconds to help me as was the girls and Edward so good an very helpful and reassuring! Then the almighty super women showed up (Helen) the manager who took me straight to be cared for and stayed with me reassuring me everything was going to be fine she is an amazing caring person every company and social event needs someone like her she puts people before profit and that's the sort of people u need because even thou I got hurt because of her and the care she gave me I will still go again as I know she would be there to help if anybody should need it!! So a big thanks to the staff and Helen u went above and beyond for us today 😊

  • Dave Breen

    Dave Breen


    Was ok, rides look a little dated and could do with some TLC. Was an all round good fun experience. The outdoor ice skating rink was excellent though and very reasonably priced! Would go again.

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