Woodie's Lucan i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandWoodie's Lucan



🕗 åbningstider

Lucan, Dublin, K78 F3P6, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 621 0766
internet side: www.woodies.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.358523, Longitude: -6.424167

kommentar 5

  • Jo V Dupuis

    Jo V Dupuis


    I love the store, always find what you need for my projects, but I think more deco things are missing.

  • en

    Eszter Feher


    Love this store. Great selection of products. Staff very helpful. Good offers.

  • Richard Day

    Richard Day


    One of the best kept and organised Woodies stores. Plenty of space between the aisles. Also which is a bonus a reasonably well thought out sequence to things. The fact things are well kept makes it quite straightforward process getting in, locating things and getting out. Also a great location helps as well.

  • Lisa McNally

    Lisa McNally


    You can find everything you need for your home here...love Woodies and especially their Christmas decorations are fab. Decorated my sitting room recently and got everything here I needed from paint to wallpaper, lovely pictures for my wall, a gorgeous rug for my floor and a great lamp, prices are reasonable and the staff are very helpful and friendly😊

  • Alex Manning

    Alex Manning


    Good selection of DIY essentials. Plenty of Home furnishings and some furniture. Baking essentials and Gardening enthusiasts will like it here too. Pets beds & other pet accessories available, New Kitchens available, beautiful displays with staff to help you plan your layout if you are in the market for a new kitchen. Also a party shop for birthdays, anniversaries and seasonal celebration decorations.

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