Wreckless Skate shop and Indoor Skatepark i Gorey

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IrlandWreckless Skate shop and Indoor Skatepark


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33, Gorey Hill, Y25 KF57, Gorey, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 53 943 0838
internet side: www.wreckless.ie
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Latitude: 52.6654937, Longitude: -6.3068531

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alessandro Pandolfi


    Very good skate park I go there every week Great service

  • Noeleen O Connor

    Noeleen O Connor


    Disappointed with this shop, very scant. Went to look at mini rockers but nothing in stock to look at, all sold out on website also! Staff member seemed indifferent as to whether I bought or not. He also didn't explain that they are unsuitable for general cycling and have no breaks!! I had to go to revolve bike shop down the road to learn that! Wasted journey. If your big into skating I'm sure it may be a different opinion. Can't say about the skatepark as we were not in there.

  • micheal harrington

    micheal harrington


    Great place for kids on skateboard, scooter or bmx bike. Has toilets and a parts shop on entry.

  • Philippe Benamara

    Philippe Benamara


    Skatepark is OK, mainly built for skateboarding (lots of small curbs + a mini ramp). Main advantage is that it's indoor and 1 hour away from Dublin.

  • Danny Shaw

    Danny Shaw


    It's the best park I've ever been to in Ireland!

nærmeste Butik

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