Yvonne Harrington Dress Designer i Dublin

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IrlandYvonne Harrington Dress Designer



🕗 åbningstider

90, Saint Begnet's Villas, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 87 280 9208
internet side: www.yvonneharrington.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.279366, Longitude: -6.112825

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edel Hynes


    Yvonne Harrington was great when I was trying to design my wedding dress. I had an idea for what I wanted and she translated it into the most beautiful dress, adding creative touches here and there that I wouldn't have thought of. On the day of the final fitting, I was thrilled and didn't want to take the dress off. I was so comfortable in the dress on the day and it looked amazing. I highly recommend her.

  • Rory Murphy

    Rory Murphy


    Yvonne made my wife the most amazing wedding dress. She helped with suggestions all along the way from first meeting to the final result. My wife looked a million dollars on our big day - couldn't recommend her enough.

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    Pauline Mulroy


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    Got our daughter's communion dress from Yvonne. It's absolutely beautiful and one of a kind

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    A Google User


    Me and my partner were trying to find a dress designer with a difference for some time - we came across Yvonne's site and knew we had found out designer - we would recommend Yvonne to anyone and have already to all of our friends and family - thanks again Yvonne :)

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