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31, Charleville View, Tullamore, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 86 871 4181
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Latitude: 53.2693539, Longitude: -7.5059982

kommentar 2

  • Jackie McIntyre

    Jackie McIntyre


    In a large town there are many options available to parents when it comes to preschools. I began looking when our first child was 2 and felt enormous pressure to make the right decision on her behalf. I telephoned a few different places and Little Treasures was on my list! I remember explaining to Sandra that I didn’t quite know what questions I should be asking or what things I should be looking for in a preschool. She invited me to call and see the school, this way I could meet with her and she would go through things with me. From the minute Sandra opened the door, I knew this was the person I was going to entrust my little lady with. She was warm, open and genuine. She took my concerns as a first time parent seriously and clearly outlined how the children spend their days in Little Treasures. Naturally it was a much easier decision when our second daughter hit preschool age. I’m not sure where the time has gone but she just finished in Little Treasures at the end of June and to say she loves Sandra would be an understatement. Both of my girls have very different personalities but Sandra has the ability to make each child shine and bring out the best in them. The class is a nice size so each child benefits from one-to-one time with her. She encourages them to learn through a variety of methods including art, music, play and circle-time. She genuinely cares about the children and listens attentively to all their little stories and concerns. Both my daughters loved their time in Little Treasures; they were always excited to see Sandra and missed her during the holiday periods. She has given them both an incredible start to their school life. My third child has been enrolled in the school since he was just 1 week old and I am looking forward to see how he will develop and grow as a little person when his time comes around. I really cannot recommend Little Treasures enough, if you are looking for a safe, happy environment where your child can progress and learn in an enjoyable and nurturing manner then Sandra’s school should be top of your list!

  • Saba Asghar

    Saba Asghar


    My child goes to pre-school here and he absolutely loves it. The class is nice and small so each child can get one-on-one time with the teacher as well as the individual attention they need to learn and play. The teacher, Sandra Clarke, has been teaching for many years and is a lovely person - very friendly and professional in all her work. Always there for a helping hand and goes out of her way to make your child feel involved and special. Highly recommend this pre-school, all my children will be going there!

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