Ailesbury Hair Loss Clinic i Dublin

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IrlandAilesbury Hair Loss Clinic



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Floors 2-3, 26 Clare Street, Dublin, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 676 0969
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3414709, Longitude: -6.2521763

kommentar 5

  • en

    Robert Tjia


    Treatment: Latest AHI hair transplant for hereditary male pattern baldness. My journey from the initial consultation with Lorraine Lambert at the Ailesbury Clinic , through to the main procedure with Dr Patrick Treacy and his wonderful team, made the procedure seemless and stress free. I was given options and realistic expectations of the outcome of my procedure and the healing process with clear written instructions, post surgery, on follow up care . These expectations have been exceeded, and I am very happy with the results of my hair transplant, and have recommended the Ailesbury Clinic to friends and colleagues. I opted for the latest AHI procedure, as I didn't want scarring from the traditional strip surgery method, and I am very pleased with the results . There are no scars at all and my hair looks totally natural, and has given me ,my confidence back . I rate this clinic and all the team , as excellent ,and the procedure , great value for money. All staff were extremely professional, caring and knowledgeable, and made me feel totally relaxed. The surroundings and the clinic itself are lovely, and set in a very comfortable , relaxing , pleasant environment. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- 5/3/2018 Here I am, back again after having had a top procedure last June 2017. The results are amazing , with greater density to the crown and a very natural hair line , to the front. No pain during my top up procedure as was last time ,and watched a couple of movies too. Also fed & watered ! I would definitely recommend this clinic to anyone . A very special thanks to Lorraine Lambert , Dr Patrick Treacy , Dr Kara, Dr Iasson and by no means least , Dr Demetri ... A wonderful professional , caring team , Ailesbury Hair Loss Clinic . Kind regards , Rob Tjia

  • Paul O Reardon

    Paul O Reardon


    Great clinic hade a great experience.The medical staff were excellent.Thank you all at Ailesbury hair clinic

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    flying knee


    Great clinic highly recommend u go here staff were great look after you ,doctor very good works very fast puts grafts close together ,op was pain free ,i had my first op done with dhi and took three times as long for less grafts which was a joke to compared to this place .

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    David Reilly


    I only had the procedure a few days ago but I must say it went very. The medical staff were excellent and it went very smoothly. The after-care package was well put together with detailed instructions. I had a small query in relation to one item and my call was returned by one of the doctors very promptly. Looking forward to seeing the full results in a few months! Thanks to all at Ailesbury.

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    desmond o connor


    My experience was pleasant and I felt completely at ease. The highly trained staff were most professional and skilled in the execution of the procedure. I felt little or no discomfort during the entire proceedings. Without hesitation, I would have no difficulty in recommending the process to anyone considering this option. IF in any doubt for my part,anyone could contact me for an honest evaluation.The bottom line is, it works and the results are impressive.

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