ALDI i Dublin 11

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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St Margaret's Road, D11 ARW5, Dublin 11, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1800 991 828
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Latitude: 53.3986215, Longitude: -6.3046985

kommentar 5

  • Brandon Riley

    Brandon Riley


    Good location. Not far from the 140 bus stop. The freshness of the fruit and veg, particularly the Super 6 aisle could be improved. I found that a lot of the hummus seems to expire very quickly, typically less than 2 days, which compared to other aldi stores last for much longer than that. I would like to see less panic in the store. Staff seem to get in the way quite a lot all around the store with trolleys which makes it hard to just go for just a quick shop. All in all however, I find this shop very good and they have a great range of vegetarian food, both frozen and fresh. It's great to see quorn being sold here. And it's also particularly pleasant to be able to purchase Soya milk and Almond milk without those crazy prices.

  • Ken John J Byrne

    Ken John J Byrne


    These are great stores I love them and people need to get the snobbish attitude out if their system. You cannot starve in this country with shops like ALDI around and its quality too they have the buying power that's why they are cheaper and their own brands are quality. By the way they have a system to keep queues to a minimum and its simple 1. Put you shopping on to the belt 2. (This is so important) place your trolley front at the cashier. 3 ( Really important) pack your shopping loose into the trolley not into your bags. 4. HAVE YOUR PAYMENT READY DON'T GO LOOKING FOR IT AFTER THE CASHIER TELLS YOU THE AMOUNT. 5. Now pack your shopping at the bench at the window 6. Yes it is not a seat for children. 7. Lidl is not a brother of Aldi. 8. ALDI Nord is from north Germany and ALDI Did is South Germany, yes that's right the other brother. LIDL is a separate company. The queue system doesn't work here because we're Irish anything German we break and we bulk buy bread.

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    Susan Moulds


    Robert the security guard found handbag belong to my aunty n made it he buinness to hand the bag back to her. It had over 600e in the bag and was offer an award which he would not take. Great job rob.

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    Patrick Ivory


    The place is clean. The staff is well trained and friendly with customers. The variety of food from Irish to continental is great and gives me that something different to consider at meal time. PI

  • Monika Foltman

    Monika Foltman


    Great selection of good value products. The middle section (big baskets with home wear, clothing and hardware) is all over the place, no logic to product placement. Also sometimes there are not enough checkouts opened while checkout staff is wondering around. But overall impression is positive :)

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