Aoki Sushi Noodle Bar i Unit 4

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IrlandAoki Sushi Noodle Bar



🕗 åbningstider

2, Richmond Street South, Unit 4, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 478 8836
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Latitude: 53.3321792, Longitude: -6.264617

kommentar 5

  • Viola Liu

    Viola Liu


    A very comfortable place, and the food is real authentic, staff is very friendly as well. Love it!

  • Bronson Kelly

    Bronson Kelly


    The beef ramen was poor, no flavour and bland. Meat very fatty and they charged 50 cents for a bit of extra ginger. They didn't even have fresh chillies in an Asian restaurant! And service was non existent. I wouldn't recommend it

  • Louise McSharry

    Louise McSharry


    Brilliant little spot for excellent fresh sushi and Bento boxes

  • John Callan

    John Callan


    Very cool sushi place for sushi on the go. Staff are nice and friendly and the place was very nice and clean when I made a visit. Drop in between lunch time and dinner time and you'll have the place to yourself. Large menu and selection of beers with a bring your own bottle service also available

  • en

    grace mccarthy


    Lovely place cozy and very very nice staff... But the menu could do with a bit of elaboration even some of the finest sushi restaurants in the world have pictures on their menu I think it would help here... They also need more sushi deals

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