Applegreen i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Clonsilla Road, Kellystown, Dublin, Co. Dublin, D15 WY48, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 821 3467
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.383419, Longitude: -6.417874

kommentar 5

  • en

    Paul Hickey


    I’ve had to drive away 4 times now, at night because they wouldn’t turn on the pumps. It’s not that they insist on prepay, there was nobody behind the counter. Topaz on Hartstown Road are delighted with the extra business I’m sure. And I do a lot of miles every week, so it’s not just a quick €10 they loose out on, I usually fill the tank.

  • Ciaran McLarnon

    Ciaran McLarnon


    Busy petrol station - but there are plenty of pumps so it can accommodate a good number of cars. Staff friendly and there is a fairly decent shop as well. Car wash and other facilities onsite too.

  • Atanas Minkov

    Atanas Minkov


    Place use to be very handy with the subway, petrol station staff are very good and kind, subway fast food restaurant staff and the girl that is supervising it lately need additional education for customer service, stopped several time, my food was handled in terrible manner, which every time leads to half of it fall down when you try to open it, extremely rood, no greetings, mismatched orders, and not available breads 3 out of a 4 times a week. My advice use the petrol station, but think twice before approaching the subway fast food restaurant in it

  • Andy Eire

    Andy Eire


    Nice staff good prices for petrol or diesel.

  • hubert Brzozowski

    hubert Brzozowski


    Tankujesz Kawka i coś ciepłego do zjedzenia

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