Aquatech Plumbing & Heating i Lusk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAquatech Plumbing & Heating



🕗 åbningstider

Oberstown, Lusk, Co. Dublin, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 86 834 5262
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Latitude: 53.5424577, Longitude: -6.1911456

kommentar 4

  • en

    Niall Murphy


    Martin and his team replaced our boiler and tracked down and fixed problems in our plumbing that had stopped radiators from heating up for years. Very efficient and tidy, you would not even know they had been there when you get home. My house has never been as warm !!

  • Andrea Réger

    Andrea Réger


    I highly recommend Martin and his team. I needed immediate help with fixing our heating system as our gas boiler stopped working on a freezing (-1 C) day in Dec. Martin came out on the same day, and re-organised his team and their workload to fit us into their busy schedule within few days. He also guided us with our SEAI application to get the grant for upgrading the heating system. They didn't just do what they had to, but also changed a worn pipe that could have broken any time. They went well beyond their duties, while providing quality work and excellent customer service. Thanks Martin again and your team!

  • Orla Conlon

    Orla Conlon


    Loads of Compliments for Martin & David of Aquatech Plumbing. I have had to call on them 4 times and each time they are, very prompt, efficient, Friendly & will go out of their way to help you and will work around your work schedule. Totally happy with their service and would recommend them to everybody:)

  • Rolands Gordejevs

    Rolands Gordejevs


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