Armoury Café i Glencree

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandArmoury Café



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Centre for Peace and Reconciliation, Aurora, Glencree, Co. Wicklow, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 282 9711
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.1988883, Longitude: -6.2926906

kommentar 5

  • Earl Fitzgerald

    Earl Fitzgerald


    Very nice cafe. Beautiful location in the heart of the Wicklow mountains. The staff were very friendly and attentive. When you have finished there, walk out the gate and it is only a three minutes walk to the German Graveyard. You can find all about it in the cafe upstairs.

  • en

    Dalibor Zekanovic


    Nice place to rest while having a coffee and cake.

  • David Heath Williams

    David Heath Williams


    The café is situated in the grounds of the Glencree Reconciliation Centre. Easy enough to find at the head of the Glencree valley. The cafe is always clean and the atmosphere is very peaceful with lots of light flooding the whole seating area, even on a dull rainy day it feels bright. The food is fresh and homemade! The menu is varied and most items will satisfy anyone who stops off looking for a quick sandwich or a full meal. The staff are always friendly and pleasant. We highly recommend The Armoury!

  • Barry Singleton

    Barry Singleton


    Great coffee and scones. Free WiFi which is very helpful since phone coverage can be patchy. Perfect place for a pitstop on a long cycle.

  • Hugh Ivory

    Hugh Ivory


    Great welcome, great coffee. Lovely haven for resting cyclists. And fabulous views.

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