Aura Drogheda Leisure Centre i Drogheda

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAura Drogheda Leisure Centre



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Marley's Lane, Drogheda, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 41 987 4478
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.7130247, Longitude: -6.3749166

kommentar 5

  • Gábor Siklósi

    Gábor Siklósi


    The fitness instructor are very friendly and helpful. They always look after you make sure you doing well. The classes are always good. Swimming pool great. I love after swim the jacuzzi and the sauna. I wish they have more open swim times in the evening.

  • Darryl Coen

    Darryl Coen


    Excellent pool and the lessons are very good but a bit overpriced. The baby pool is alway kept at a very nice temperature although can get crammed full The locker rooms however are an absolute disgrace. Disgusting, shabby and broken. Really disappointing.

  • Rowena Leahy

    Rowena Leahy


    Great pool, has a very deep end so great for actually swimming rather than lounging, but you are able to do that too

  • en

    Mary Dunne


    Kids enjoying there swimming lessons, the teachers are very good with them but it's lacking attention to the upkeep of the changing rooms, floors look filthy & numerous changing rooms are out of order constantly. Disappointed with that aspect .

  • Stephanie Ojo

    Stephanie Ojo


    I tried to switch gyms and went there but I wasn't very comfortable. The gym is very small and quite chaotic. But the swimming pool is excellent probably the best on in the town area.

nærmeste Gym

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