Avis Car Hire Dublin City Centre i Dublin 8

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAvis Car Hire Dublin City Centre



🕗 åbningstider

39, Old Kilmainham, D08 H79E, Dublin 8, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 605 7501
internet side: www.avis.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3410849, Longitude: -6.3054123

kommentar 5

  • Du Golub

    Du Golub


    Cars are in good shape & clean, staff is helpful and kind. The only thing to keep in mind is your time. More specific the branch is understaffed. It could take you up to 45 minutes to get or return your car of you have any special requests or situations.

  • Gary Atterton

    Gary Atterton


    Great service and reasonable prices. Would recommend for sure!

  • Barry Herbert

    Barry Herbert


    The Staff are always very attentive and efficient, they provide a very fast turnaround on both pickup and drop off. I visit this office often and i am always treated as a valued customer. The cars are always clean and ready to go.

  • Aaron Rowe

    Aaron Rowe


    This city location was well located and had great service by their staff. I had no problem talking over the final terms, had zero hassles, and was surprised by such a friendly representative at a major car rental office. It was also made into a very efficient process. I would recommend using this location.

  • en

    Cath Pollard


    After experiencing the worst possible service at Dublin Airport with Avis, it was with trepidation that we returned the vehicle to Avis Dublin City Centre. However we were pleasantly surprised. On Tuesday 3 October 2017 at around 1.00 pm, the male customer service officer (I'm sorry I didn't get his name) greeted us warmly and with respect. The process was smooth, there were no issues with returning the vehicle, he apologised for the treatment we received at Dublin Airport and provided us with information that greatly assisted our visit to Dublin. It was a total contrast to the service provided by Aleen at Avis Dublin Airport.

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