Avoca Handweavers i Avoca

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAvoca Handweavers



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The Mill at Avoca Village, Kilmagig Lower, Avoca, Co. Wicklow, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 402 35105
internet side: www.avoca.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.861044, Longitude: -6.211254

kommentar 5

  • it

    Sara De Luca


    Visita gradevole. Il posto è piccolo ma offre un po' di tutto. Unisce cultura, giacché è possibile visitare la vecchia fabbrica dove ancora c'è il vecchio telaio ancora in funzione; passeggiata lungo il fiume dove ci si può rilassare e fare una merenda nella zona picnic; e shopping nel negozio Avoca dove sono in vendita capi di lana prodotti nella fabbrica. C'è infine un cafè bistrot dove è possibile mangiare.

  • fr

    Marie Christine Lebreton


    Très bien reçu par Jack et sa femme personne très sympathique je recommande vivement. Personnel parle français elle est très serviable merci

  • Claire Hanbidge

    Claire Hanbidge


    Beautiful blankets. Must stop buying blankets. I have too many, but when we visit i cant help but want a new one. The food is amazing too, so beautiful and fresh

  • en

    Sara Bales


    Delightful weaving mill with a lovely shop filled with beautiful clothes, housewares, and accessories. Don't miss the sale section, which is located upstairs. There's also a cafe with a decent selection of hot and cold foods, the prices were fair.

  • Vincent Deritis

    Vincent Deritis


    Take the time to view the mill shop and see how hand woven wool products are made. Tour took about 10 minutes and traverses about 3 rooms. They use both hand looks and machine here. WiFi is available and Project Fi members will find Google automatically connects and encrypts your connection when you arrive. Great for those who want to save on data

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