Baggot Court Townhouse i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBaggot Court Townhouse



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92, Baggot Street Lower, DO2 KV77, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 661 2819
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.335379, Longitude: -6.247208

kommentar 5

  • Rik Haandrikman

    Rik Haandrikman


    Rooms subpar (very noisy, very hot), but the very friendly and helpful staff make up for almost all of what the hotel itself lacks.

  • Vincent Uyttebroeck

    Vincent Uyttebroeck


    Only went in the hallway, but very nice hotel and my colleagues who stayed there were very positive about it!

  • en

    mill kud


    Very nice staff and breakfast, lovely room but no elevator and location is problematic - no shops/store nearby, if relying on public transportation only hard to get to at night

  • Joe Mc

    Joe Mc


    Heating turned off and window open when we arrived on a December night. A power cut in the middle of the our stay. Breakfast not included for €200/ night. Good Wi-Fi

  • Kryštof Večerek

    Kryštof Večerek


    The staff were polite and always most helpful, full Irish breakfasts wonderful and the location is quite close to the center so a ton of Dublin places worth-visiting are within walking distance. On the day of your check-out, you can also leave your luggage at the hotel after checking-out and pick them up later, really convenient. The wifi could have been a little faster – as it is, it can get a little sluggish, especially when more people use it. It's still fast enough for emails, simple work and 480p/720p YouTube, however.

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