Balbriggan Omniplex i Balbriggan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBalbriggan Omniplex


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10, Mill Street, Balbriggan, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 690 5520
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Latitude: 53.6103111, Longitude: -6.1831489

kommentar 5

  • Margaret Deegan

    Margaret Deegan


    Staff are friendly, helpful and polite. Seats are comfy and staggered well. Lighting beside row numbers is difficult to see once movie starts making it awkward to find your seat. Hand drier in the ladies was hanging off the wall with power supply still on and whomever connected the wires didnt attach the esrth lead. VERY DANGEROUS and at the correct height for younger children to reach. I notified a staff member so hopefully its a priority

  • Sophie Skelly

    Sophie Skelly


    I like it of it was bigger love u choice your own seats went to see damo and ivor the movie

  • Vytautas Limontas

    Vytautas Limontas


    Small cinema but good enough. Didn't like that chairs not swinging as in other omniplex cinemas. We were in 2 movies so on second one we got tired from sitting uncomfortabily.

  • en

    Maurice Crowley


    Very comfortable, excellent parking across road, staff are friendly and welcoming - they even say farewell to you. Good clean spot.

  • en

    Fiona Carleton


    Great little spot. Friendly service reasonable cinema tickets especially family tickets. Food and drinks very expensive though.

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