Banna Mobile Homes and Cabins Ltd i Tralee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBanna Mobile Homes and Cabins Ltd



🕗 åbningstider

Ardfert, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 66 713 4730
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.339888, Longitude: -9.827077

kommentar 5

  • Frances Emerson

    Frances Emerson


    Beautiful well run..houses are warm..well kept.. facilities like swimming pool leisure centre is great

  • Audie Kelly

    Audie Kelly


    A great place for family's with young children. Not for single people. Not much to do for single or couples without children.

  • Michael Krähenbühl

    Michael Krähenbühl


    Very nice camping ground with everything you need. Just a 5 minute walk from the beautiful Banna beach.

  • en

    David Egret


    Avoid renting mobile homes! The one we had was obviously never fully cleaned. The floor was dirty and there was dust under the couches and bed. They also advertise you can use the facilities of the hotel nearby, but like any other person: by paying the full blown price, they have no link with them at all. Then the owner's house is right in the middle of the park and has vans and trucks coming in and out a lot, annoying. Gave one star because it's close to the Banna Strand.

  • en

    Sinead Daly


    This place is amazing. it's perfect for kids and the beach is very close. You can buy or rent a mobile home. Good security. Very safe. Not to far from central.

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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